Structural VS Conventional
Before we have a discussion about what one of the most significant distinctions between a conventional chiropractic office and our practice is, we must first understand conventional chiropractic care. Generally the goals of conventional chiropractic are:
- Relax muscle spasm
- Temporarily decrease in pain
- Improve range of motion
These are all great goals and there are many chiropractors in the area that do a good job at providing you with conventional chiropractic care. At Covington Spine Center, our main focus & objective is Structural Chiropractic Correction.
A majority of cases we serve at our practice, Covington Spine Center, are a referral from other chiropractors, medical doctors and specialists in the area who suffer from a significant Structural Shift in their spine. These Structural shifts or structural misalignments are the underlying cause that often show themselves as “symptoms” – or what Structural Doctors refer to as Secondary Conditions. Structural Chiropractic Correction, that we have offered for over 20 years, focuses exclusively on the correction of the underlying cause – the Structural Shifts.