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Welcome to Covington Spine Center!

We are glad that you found our website!

It has been our experience that most people that are looking for us were referred by an existing patient. Either way, we’re happy you found us. Our office is different than most conventional Chiropractors, as such, so is our website.

As you will see, the purpose of this website is not to be an over bearing electronic brochure for our practice. There are not any 'last minute specials' for “Free Exams”, cruise tickets or anything of that sort. What you will experience is a “journey” that – by the end, will have you checking your calendar and scheduling a complimentary consultation.

A consultation in our office is only a casual conversation between you and our doctor. The goal is to discover information about you and you learn a little about us. After all, we’re not always the most suitable office for every person, so it is better to discover that before you begin a relationship with our practice? We think so and hopefully – so do you.

Covington Spine Center has served people of all ages and many health conditions secondary to Atlas Displacement Complex. These include:

  • Chronic neck, shoulder, and back pain
  • Migraine headache
  • Vertigo
  • Dizziness
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Post-concussion syndrome
  • More Secondary Conditions

Where A Consultation is A Conversation-NOT A Commitment

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